Travel alert
Before your trip, check to see if there are current travel alerts for your destination – you can also view the latest government advice.

Gaza−Israel conflict: For travellers in, or planning on travelling to, Israel or the Palestinian Territories, please see our travel alert with more information.

Win a trip to Hawaii

Say aloha to return flights for two to relax in beautiful Hawaii. Spend 7 nights in paradise at the Moana Surfrider Resort & Spa and enjoy the attractions and activities at Waikiki Beach with a total of $500 spending money.
Prize value up to $7700.

Fill in your details below to enter:

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What's your next big adventure or dream destination?
Terms and conditions apply.

Win a trip to Hawaii

Package for two includes:

Return airfares

Fly in style from your nearest capital city with Hawaiian Airlines, arriving at Honolulu International Airport.

Airport transfers

Transport from Honolulu International Airport to Waikiki Beach.

7 nights accomodation

Relax at the Moana Surfrider Resort & Spa in the heart of Waikiki Beach.

Relax and enjoy

Spend time on the beach or see the breath-taking sights of Waikiki.

$500 spending money

Total of $500 spending money to help make the most of your stay and keep cocktails in your coconuts.

nib Travel Insurance

We'll make sure you have the cover you need if things go wrong while you're away.