Travel alert
Before your trip, check to see if there are current travel alerts for your destination – you can also view the latest government advice.

Gaza−Israel conflict: For travellers in, or planning on travelling to, Israel or the Palestinian Territories, please see our travel alert with more information.

Win a trip to Japan

Enjoy return flights for two to Japan for an unforgettable 7 nights. Ski or snowboard the legendary super dry powder snow with two 6 day all mountain lift passes, including unlimited night skiing. Plus a total of $500 spending money!
Prize value up to $7096.

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What's your next big adventure or dream destination?

Terms and conditions apply.

Win a trip to Japan

Package for two includes:

Return flights

Take-off to Japan from your nearest capital city with Qantas Airlines, arriving at Chitose Airport.

Airport transfers

Shuttle from Chitose Airport to Niseko Ski Resort.

7 nights accomodation

Enjoy your stay at Alpen Hotel, Niseko Ski Resort.

6-day all mountain lift pass

Get the most from the dry powdered conditions with 6 day all mountain lift passes, including unlimited night skiing!

$500 spending money

Total of $500 spending money to help make the most of your stay and fit in a few hot bowls of miso ramen.

nib Travel Insurance

We'll make sure you have the cover you need if things go wrong while you're away.